More than once in my life, people have asked me "YOU wrote this?" or "who helped you with this?" when it comes to seeing my penmanship or my engineering/science/"business" notes.

I think most people see me as a free-spirited artist that has kinda always lived in never never land without a care in the world, just tons of talent and energy to burn while playing in the grass.

Honestly, that IS low key legit.
However, I am also extremely scientific when it comes to... almost everything I do. What does it mean to be scientific?
Well, it means you start with the equation. Where your emotions, opinions, and dreams mean nothing. Follow the black and white procedural protocol.
What equation?!?! There is no equation for creating art!!! Oh, but you see. There is.
In never never land, you have all the time, energy and resources in the world to explore and experiment endlessly, but in the world we live in... well, EVERYTHING is limited.
So what that means is, everything comes down to EFFICIENCY. <<<That is also where theoretical physics and engineering meet to create life changing inventions, just like the one your holding in your hand right now. 
Anyhow, when I was getting ready for  pole dance competitions, I knew my edge was gonna be explosiveness, speed, energy and vibe because I wasn't expecting my "beauty" or "perfect technique" to blow minds and give me what I showed up for. The Gold.

To be 100, I wasn't doing this shit for "fun" after a couple years of competing in pole dance + touring + leaving engineering. It's an expensive ass hobby in every way imaginable, so I needed to get booked or go get another engineering job. <<< THAT is a whole other blog in itself too lol.
So, with that said, I spent time theorizing skills and working out some variables that I had control over such as angle, speed, rhythm + timing along with options A, B, C and often D for bails and fails. This would all take place before even attempting this wild shit.
And guess what. It worked! And the more I did it, the better it got. After a dozen times, I knew I could kick harder and make it look wild AF. After a FEW dozen times, I could put it in a performance. After I see it with adrenaline on stage and I blow my own mind, I know I could take it even further. And so I did. And so I blew minds. And so I had a pole dance career. And yes, Monster Heels were a scientific choice. 🤓

What I then discovered from taking my notes and personal experience around the world, to share on different bodies, was the powerful relationship between our ass and our head. 🍑
The applications for this relationship immediately gave me so much more insight as an instructor and freedom as a freestyler.
And as my personal goals have changed over the years and I'm NOT trying to be the best competitive pole dancer on the planet, I've enjoyed using these same efficiency techniques on much less dangerous acts 😅
I now use them for rolling around on the floor to express myself in an either highly sexual manner or funky fresh b girl manner, juuuuuust in case I end up in a battle some day 😂
Soooooo, If you're looking to be guided, to learn and explore some familiar and some not so familiar movement theories from me, check out the link in my bio under the workshops tab. I know there is a TON of online classes out there, so believe me, your support is appreciated.
I highly recommend the 4 week Floor-Work Series (happening every Thursday in June) We will study and then we will experiment, explore and play together. Live on zoom with playback option if the time doesn't work for you. Yes, there will be Choreo-ish vibes so anyone terrified of free-styling. Don't be.
If you're not into commitments, I've made 1 pre-recorded 20 min video breaking down the lost art of pole pirouettes. Only $15 and its yours forever.
Thank you for reading ❤🙏❤

Nadia Sharif